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Showing posts from January, 2022

Full Body Workout, Full Body Fatigue

Absolutely loving the Mirror! Doing different workouts, and stretches has been great. Pushed myself too hard, and had to take an extra day off. Ended up having a really good run due to the rest, so that's a bonus! Was short of my weekly goal, but am still ahead on my annual goal.  Going to work out smarter next week, and enjoy a day of above an freezing temperature! Weekly Distance: 24km (down 16.8km from last week)  Yearly Distance: 163.6km

January 23, 2022

I'm really proud of the week I had running.  I broke 100km, and have remained very consistent despite the cold.  I've been building up my weekly mileage to be marathon ready. In December I ran a 5k everyday, which I didn't think was something I could do!  Moving into the New Year, January's daily goal was 6k. With one week left in January, I'm going to break 150km which is exciting for the first month of the year. In February my daily goal will be 7k, and then start a marathon training plan in March. The Mirror arrives tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to incorporating it into the workout regimen.  The goal is to combine some strength training and yoga more consistently into the weekly routine. At some point I'm going to have to reign in the caloric intake, to speed up the weight loss.  Shooting for a gradual reduction till mid February, then start dialing it in more. Weekly Distance: 40.8k (down 6.1 from last week) Yearly Distance: 139.3k