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Showing posts from April, 2022

Purposeful and Awesome

Not many runs this week, but they were purposeful and awesome!  I ran a 24:55 5k and 51:51 10k for my fartlek run.  COME ON! Look out the Flash!  Followed by a beautiful run Thursday. Then watched the sunrise on today's run. Ran 27k today and it wasn't fun.  After a week of crummy recoveries, the lactic acid was real in the calves.  Walked more at the end than I wanted to, but knew I still had a full day ahead of me.  I couldn't write the rest of the day off, because we were picking up a foster puppy!!! This will definitely get me out walking on my recovery days, and she's been super sweet so far. Looking forward to the start of the Make-a-wish fundraiser, and the wacky runs that will accompany them. Weekly distance: 46.9km (14km more than last week) Yearly distance: 676.8km (45.3km ahead of 2,022km plan)

Three Weeks Into Marathon Training

Three weeks into marathon training, and I had to let the off the gas a little. Absolutely the right thing to do after pushing myself too hard last Sunday. This week has an extra recovery day in it, which should help with next Sunday's run. Ran 15k a year ago 6 minutes slower, so that's awesome! Looking forward to getting back into a good routine once everyone's back at school Weekly distance: 32.9km (19.7km less than last week) Yearly distance: 629.8km (37.1km ahead of 2,022km plan)

Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body

What's not to love about today's long run? I mean aside from not being able to use my legs anymore. PRs for half marathon, 20k, 10mile and 15k.  I really pushed it, and am paying for it now. That being said I biked 15.7 km and ran 25k. Which I'm proud of, I was trying to engage a wider stride, which paid off. Also, where the big pain is coming from.  Engaging more of my quads, and they're pissed! Week 2 of marathon training is in the books! The difference in pace for this week's long run, versus last Sunday leaves me hopeful for the progress I can make between now and October.  The difference in strain and the recovery from the night before week over week, speak to the importance of recovery. Of knowing when to push it, and when not to. Learning what lies at the end of a super strenuous day, may impede future strenuous days, or more likely push me for more gains. I think the saying is "pain is weakness leaving the body". Well I'm going to be super st

First Week of Marathon Training

First week of marathon training is done! I loved it! It was structured, it accounted for lots of recovery and it's building toward a good marathon time. It's a twelve week training plan, so I'll be doing it twice before Detroit. I hope the first time to hit 4 hours, then tighten it up the second time. Today's long run was felt pretty awesome. I set out with an easy pace in mind and managed to hold a respectable 6:30 km for the first half of the run.  Still munching on my gummy bears every 5k, so energy was still good at the halfway point. I was even able to increase speed a little. Trail running seems to be a lot more forgiving on the shins.  Last summer they were significantly cooler than the road as well. So I think that's where a good portion of my long runs will take place. I managed my second best half time, while stopping to take pictures. Which is helping 42.2 not seem like the monster it was last time. Raising money for St. Judes is going well. I've