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Showing posts from July, 2022

Weekly Recap

Hard not to be happy with this week's runs. After burning my legs pretty badly on last Sunday's kayak adventure (which was sensational!). I took Sunday and Monday off from running, and more then made up for it Tuesday! Early morning run, followed by a lunch run for a total of 19k... on a Tuesday.  Followed by a 13k run Wednesday, taking back Meloche Hill segment. Hadn't realized I lost it, but it's given me some extra motivation to hit the segments. Ending the week at 62.2 km ran, bringing the annual total to 1,065.6 kms. Which is back on track for the annual stretch goal of 2,022. Got one bike ride in with Jeremia this week. Happy to be out on the road, but will hopefully have my mountain bike situation sorted soon. Here's to another active week next week!