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3 Wishes

Alright folks, my body MAY be sending me some subtle hints that I need to slow down.  I woke up a little stiff, a little sore and VERY tired.  I was trying to shake away the desire to crawl back in bed, but the struggle was real this morning.  Typically I start my day watching something mindless, this allows me acclimate to the waking world.  This morning my body wasn’t having it though, it was doing just fine staying sleepy!  Luckily, my good friend pointed me to The Joe Rogan Experience #1208 with Jordan Peterson.  I love Joe Rogan, so I’m willing to give anyone he has on a chance.  So, I’ve been watching it off and on in my spare time.  This morning I was right around the 2 hour mark, and it was exactly what I needed to start my day. Their conversation was thought provoking, powerful and inspiring.  It gave me the strength and stamina I needed to put some net positive out into the world.  I had made one of my most important commitments to date, and it was time to make good on it!

With Christopher’s goal of tackling a triathlon next summer, it was time to change our roles a little.  Instead of him coming out to the track to cheer me on, I was running around the track cheering HIM on.  It was awesome!  To be able to spend one on one time with Christopher, in a pursuit of an ambitious goal that he has!? That is something that was truly remarkable, and something that my wife and I are going to encourage the crap out of!  He’s tried many different things, and moved on from many different things.  I told him today, that we’re going to keep each other motivated.  There’s going to be times when it gets tough, and I’ll be there to pull him through.  I truly have a pretty amazing team of people cheering me on, and it makes a world of difference.  My job now, is not only for Christopher to have that, but to make sure that he feels it!

Let's talk about today's run. I told Christopher we would try for a kilometer, but instead we went for two!  Christopher did amazing!  He set his own personal best, and there's nothing better than breaking your own records.  So I can’t wait for him to feel the pride and rush of beating "past Christopher".  We have a year, so there’s no need to do anything other than have fun with it.  You can’t lose if you’re only trying to out do yourself.  If the focus is to be better than you were, and make a positive change.  THAT is a positive change!  Even if it takes longer next time, he’s never gone out and ran two kilometers twice before!  So we’re making a positive change.  Overall, it was a pretty great experience.  The thing that really set this apart, was that it gave us even more time to chat one on one.

We talked about the last week of school, Lego Ninjago, and of course goals.  It was when we got back home that Christopher asked, if I could get three wishes from a genie, what would they be?  What a fun question for him to think of.  He may have been expecting a fun or silly answer, but at 11, why not be real?  Here was a perfect time to share some of the things that drive his father, things that I hope one day will drive him.  Wish number one, easy.  In fact it’s my raison d’être.  To have all three of my kids do better than I have.  It took many hard years of trying to figure it all out.  So, if I can give them a head start, than they will get farther in life than I can.  We’re all dealt a hand of cards, we can be upset with our cards, or we can bust our ass to make the best possible damn hand we can!  In doing the latter, I’m hoping my kids have a few face cards in their hands.  I don’t want them to only chase the material, but to find the joy in life, and pursue that!

Second wish, is something that has been more of a recent focus.  To be healthy and around long enough to enjoy everything that life has to offer.  I want to be dancing at my grand kids’ weddings, not well, because I can’t dance well now.  I just want to be a part of my family’s lives for as long as I can.  Control the things I can, and be ok with the things I can’t.

Third and final wish?  Corvette Stingray, hands down…. So pretty!

So when asked what his wishes were, the first was a Lambo.  "If you’re going to have a Corvette, well then I want a Lambo!"  Already looking to out do me… perfect!  The second wish, every video game in the world.  The kid is a little me after all.  And finally, he wished for Lego Ninjago to have more seasons than the Simpsons.  All three seem aimed at me, so pretty fine wishes if I do say so myself.

Today really was an amazing experience, one that I want to keep pursuing with Christopher.  It was a new opportunity to share something together, that we’ll bother be better for.  I’m looking forward to many more, in fact, sorry Corvette.  I’m changing my third wish to sharing many more of these moments with Christopher.  Who says wishes don’t come true?

Today is a great day!


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