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Hustle to Howard, scratch that, Wheelin' to Walker

I have had an AMAZING week!  I've achieved the things I wanted to achieve by this point (exceeded really) as far as running goes.  I'm really getting into biking as well!  And enjoying the crap out of it!  Yesterday I decided that today would be a good day to ride to Howard.  It seemed reasonably far enough to be a decent work out.

When I woke up this morning though, I wanted nothing more than to just go back to bed.  I willed myself up, telling myself that I'll just go back to bed if I can't shake it.  It would have been easy to go back to bed, but then that sets the tone for the day.  Likely running late, stressed, anxious and just groggy and miserable.  Luckily, I have a great group of friends who have been super encouraging.  If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have gone out for an amazing ride today, and learned/was reminded a valuable life lesson.

So let's talk about the ride.  This is only my third time taking the new bike out for a ride, and really my third time going out to bike for exercise.   Last night I told my wife that I was going to bike to Howard and back.  It was out there, the expectation was set.  So I went out with an hour on the clock and Howard on the brain.  It was actually a really nice ride, I rounded the S bend and saw the lights for Howard in the distance.  I was closing on Howard with plenty of time to spare.  Do I keep going?  Absolutely! Howard is doable within an hour, so let's push for Walker!  Well I reached the half hour mark and Walker wasn't too far ahead.  If I've made it this far I may as well keep going!  So I made it all the way to Walker!!!!  Time to head home...

And that's when the trap was sprungWind... You cruel bitch!  So my previous two rides were winding around town, so I changed direction frequently.  This was the first time that I just pedalled in one direction.  The ride to Walker was relatively easy because I had the wind to my back the whole time, I just didn't realize or anticipate it.  So when I turned around and faced into the uphill wind tunnel... Well my goal just got MUCH more difficult. The funny thing about biking away from your house, is that at some point you're going to want to go back.  As difficult as the ride home was, it was an amazing metaphor for life.  Here I was happy and gung ho, and then it got tough.  There was only one option available, change gears and do what I can.  It took longer than I wanted, like most things in life, but I got where I was going.

As much as the twist was unexpected, from my inexperience, it was a great lesson for the future.  As well as a great reminder, that life almost never plays out the way you expect.  All you can do is change gears, take your time, and get it done!

Also, I passed my exam!!!!!

Today is a great day!


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